What Does Disability Have to Do with Me?
Presenters: The Lazarus Centre, YoungLife Capernaum, Bethesda Christian Association
Where: Central Heights Church, Abbotsford
When: April 2, 2025, 11:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.
Cost: Free. Lunch and coffee provided.
A Trinitarian Theology of Worship
Instructor: Johnny Markin, DWS
Where: Recorded seminars and Zoom
When: April 22-May 23, 2025
Cost: Credit $149 + GST, Audit $99 plus GST
Strange Wisdom: Navigating Meaninglessness with Ecclesiastes
Presenters: Ryan Ball, PhD
Moderator: Michael Morelli, PhD
Responder: Jeehoon Kim, PhD
Where: Northwest Media Room, Fosmark Centre, TWU
When: Wednesday, February 12, 2025, 7:00-9:00 p.m.
Cost: Free
The Holy Spirit & the Atonement: Transformation of Life in the Spirit of Pentecost
Presenters: Steven Studebaker, PhD
Moderator: Katie Austring, MA cand.
Responder: Archie Spencer, ThD
Where: DeVries Auditorium, TWU, and online
When: Wednesday, October 16, 2024, 7:00-9:00 p.m.
Cost: Free
Watch: Video insufficient quality due to auditorium
Theology Symposium: Adopted by God: Restoring the Life-transforming joy of a neglected Pauline doctrine
Presenters: Barton Priebe, DMin
Moderator: Michael Morelly, PhD
Responder: Archie Spencer, ThD
Where: DeVries Centre Auditorium, TWU and online
When: Wednesday, October 12, 2024, 7:00-9:00 p.m.
Cost: Free
Deep & Wide: A Conference on Ecclesial Engagement with Disability Across Canada
Plenary Speakers: Rev. Heather Morgan, Dr. L.S. Carlos A. Thompson
Where: Northwest Seminary & College or online
When: May 10, 4-6 p.m., May 11, 8:30 a.m.-2 p.m.
Sponsored By: McMaster Divinity College, The Alliance Canada, Ambrose University, Northwest Seminary & College, Emmanuel College (UT), Karis Disability Services
Cost: $75 in person (lunch included), $40 online & students
Exodus and Beyond: A celebration & symposium in honour of Larry Perkins
Presenters: Rob Hiebert, PhD, Dirk Buchner, DLitt, Larry Perkins, PhD
Moderator: Archie Spencer, ThD
Where: SouthRidge Church (22756 48 Ave, Langley) & Online or online, via Zoom.
When: Monday, April 8, 6:00-9:00 p.m.
Program: Celebration of Festschrift and Reception 6-7, Symposium 7-9
Cost: Free
Watch: Coming soon
In the Book Symposium: Climate Change, Eco-Dread and Christian Wisdom: a crisis in search of a hope-filled perspective
Facilitators: Brian Rapske, PhD, Howard Andersen, PhD, and Larry Perkins, PhD
Respondents: Estera Boldut, PhD, RSW, Sam Pimentel, PhD, and University Siya:m Patricia Victor, MA
Where: Northwest Baptist Seminary & College (located in the Fosmark Building on Trinity Western Campus) or online, via Zoom.
When: March 16, 2024
Theology Symposium: Incarnate Words: The Theology of Writing in the Age of ChatGPT
Presenter: Holly Nelson, PhD, Professor of English and MA Interdisciplinary Studies Coordinator, Trinity Western University
Respondent: Michael Morelli, PhD, Assistant Dean, Assistant Professor of Theology, Culture and Ethics, Northwest Baptist Seminary
Moderator: Katherine Bubel, PhD, Assistant Professor of English, Trinity Western University
Date: October 4, 2023
Theology Symposium: ‘Just War’ or Just Another War
Presenter: Archie Spencer, ThD, Professor of Theology in the John H. Pickford Chair of Theology, Northwest Baptist Seminary, Associated Canadian Theological Schools, Trinity Western University
Respondent: Grant Havers, PhD, Professor of Philosophy, Trinity Western University
Moderator: Michael Morelli, PhD, Assistant Professor of Theology, Culture and Ethics, Northwest Baptist Seminary
Date: March 15, 2023
Septuagint Occasional Papers: When does Translating Change the Meaning of Scripture? How the Translator of Greek Exodus (and Jesus?) Aligns Biblical Law to Fit His Culture
Presenter: Joel Korytko, PhD
Date: November 9, 2022, 7-9 p.m. PST
Septuagint Occasional Papers: “Bring the Scrolls, but Especially the Notebooks” (2 Timothy 4:13). Intertextual Perspectives: How Reading the LXX Helps us to Read the New Testament”
Presenter: Larry Perkins, PhD, Professor Emeritus, Northwest Baptist Seminary
Date: October 19, 2022, 7-9 p.m. PST
Theology Symposium: Adopted by God: Restoring the Life-transforming Joy of a Neglected Pauline Doctrine
Presenter: Barton Priebe, DMin, President, Northwest Baptist Seminary
Date: October 12, 2022, 7-9 p.m. PST
Responder: Archie Spencer, ThD, The John H. Pickford Chair of Theology at Northwest Baptist Seminary
Moderator: Michael Morelli, PhD, Assistant Professor of Theology, Culture, and Ethics, Northwest Baptist Seminary
Theology Symposium: Reading John, Jesus, and Judaism in the Light of Greco-Roman Culture
Presenter: Jonathan Numada, PhD, Assistant Professor of Theology, Culture, and Ethics, Northwest Baptist Seminary
Responder: Don (Dongshin) Chang, PhD, Assistant Professor of Biblical Studies, Northwest Baptist Seminary
Moderator: Archie Spencer, ThD, The John H. Pickford Chair of Theology at Northwest Baptist Seminary
Presented: March 16, 2022
Theology Symposium: Technological Pessimism or Prophetic Christian Resistance: Theology, Ethics and Technology in the Work of Jacques Ellul and Paul Virilio
Presenter: Michael Morelli, PhD, Assistant Professor of Theology, Culture, and Ethics, Northwest Baptist Seminary
Responder: Archie Spencer, ThD, The John H. Pickford Chair of Theology at Northwest Baptist Seminary
Moderator: Howard Andersen, PhD, Academic Dean, Northwest Baptist Seminary
Presented: March 16, 2022