Professor in the John H. Pickford Distinguished Chair of Theology
Current Book Projects
Loving God: Towards a Theology of Relationality, (Downers Grove, Il. IVP Academic)
The Analogy of Faith: The Quest for God’s Speakability. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2015.
Clearing a Space for Human Action: Ethical Ontology in the Theology of Karl Barth, New York: Peter Lang Press, October, 2003
Book Chapters
“Rumors of Glory: An Exegetical and Reception Historical Reading of John 12: 36b-43.” In Thomas J. Hatina, (Ed.), The Reception of the Old Testament in John’s Gospel, (T & T Clark, forthcoming.) 25 pages.
Spencer, Archie J. “The Reality of God in a God-Forgetting Age: Towards a Revitalized Vision of God for Today.” Northwest Institute for Ministry Education Research. (Fall 2021). Peer reviewed.
Review of Early Christian Readings of Genesis One: Patristic Exegesis and Literal Interpretation, by Craig D. Allert, Northwest Institute for Ministry Education Research,, (October 15, 2020).
Review of Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s Christian Humanism, by Jens Zimmermann, Northwest Institute for Ministry Education Research,, (March 15, 2020).
“The Active Christian in a Post-COVID-19 World: Understanding the Christian-Ecclesial Imperative.” Church and COVID-19 Blog. Northwest Institute for Ministry Education Research. May 2020.
“‘Just War’ or Just Another War.” John H. Pickford Chair of Theology Symposium, ACTS Seminaries, Langley, BC, March 15, 2023.
Invited lecture at Meeting, Rimini, August 23, 2013, “Luigi Giussani’s Contribution to Protestantism and Its Contribution to Him?”