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Lament in Corporate Worship

Over my twenty years as a lead pastor, I occasionally held a special “service of lament” when our congregation was facing a season of difficulty, grief, and loss… Continue reading

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The Challenge of “Unexplained” Prayers

We don’t know what to pray for because we’ve been given no details…. Continue reading

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What is the status of the church and what does the future look like?

What is the status of the church a few months into 2023? It is broken… Continue reading

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COVID and Harmony in the Church

Over the past three years, the pandemic has impacted our churches in a variety of ways. One of the saddest has been the tension created in some churches because of different views people have had on how the church should respond to the pandemic. Continue reading

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3 Minutes to Describe Preaching

I was preaching for a call. The chair of the board gave me 3 minutes to identify what I consider to be the essentials of preaching… Continue reading

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The Return to Normal – What Does It Mean?

At the start of the pandemic, I read… Continue reading

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Today’s Youth Desire Mentors

Mentoring relationships may be one way in which youth cross from meaninglessness to purpose and begin to experience the fullness of life in Christ. Continue reading

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Are Pastors Essential Workers?

The Covid19 pandemic…I’m sure you are as weary of it all as I am. I look back on the year and my role as a pastor and think it is a fair question to ask, “are pastors and church staff members essential workers?”  Continue reading

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“Leaders and Followers” in the Church

Whereas in the 1960s and 1970s great effort was made to dispel the myth of the clergy-laity distinction within the church, we have resurrected it in a new guise… Continue reading

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Faith Formation for Children through Worship During the COVID-19 Crisis

We live in a society that has increasingly separated families according to age groups… Continue reading

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The Creator God Versus the Coronavirus

A couple of months ago I was the victim of a random assault. I was innocently playing with my phone and minding my own business when… Continue reading

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The Active Christian in a Post-Covid-19 World: Understanding the Christian-Ecclesial Imperative

The first question to ask in respect to Christian witness in the contemporary context is… Continue reading

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Church, Ministry and Heroes in the “Novel” Normal: Reality in Virtual and Actual

Covid-19 is a black hole. Its event horizon threatens to take every experience and assurance of what life used to be like beyond the point of no return… Continue reading

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The Church is Still the Church

As churches adapt to a new reality, let us do so in full consideration of our understanding of the nature and mission of the church… Continue reading

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The Pressure of the Weekly Sermon

Why Preach?  Sunday’s coming. It doesn’t matter whether you are crazy busy, worn out, discouraged, embroiled in conflict, or sermon-blocked. Sunday’s coming. Continue reading

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